Table of Contents
Slow PC
If you have slow pc you can confogure client to maximum perfomance.
OpenGL supported
If you have good openGL drivers:
- Enable OpenGL in options.
- Set particles to minimum or disable it.
- Set fps limit to low value like 30 fps.
- Set resolution to not very big value.
OpenGL not supported
If you dont have working openGL drivers or openGL working as software emulation:
- Disable OpenGL in options.
- Set gui oppacity to max right value. (no opacity)
- Disable particles.
- Set fps limit to low value like 30 fps.
- Set resolution to not very big value.
Other configuration but less speed:
- Disable OpenGL in options.
- Enable opacity cache.
- Disable particles.
- Set fps limit to low value like 30 fps.
- Set resolution to not very big value.
Additional speedups
- You can enable full screen mode
- You can try set opengl mode to “safe opengl”.