Table of Contents
Most windows can have own configuration file
If configuration file not found, then used default window.xml.
Know windows configurations
Window name | Xml file |
Being popup | beingpopup.xml |
Bot Checker Window | botchecker.xml |
Buy dialog | buy.xml |
Buy/sell window | buysell.xml |
Change email dialog | changeemail.xml |
Change password dialog | changepassword.xml |
Char select dialog | char.xml |
Chat Window | chat.xml |
Create character dialog | charcreate.xml |
Confirm dialog | confirm.xml |
Debug Window | debug.xml |
Did you know window | didyouknow.xml |
Drops window | drops.xml |
Edit dialog | edit.xml |
Emote popup | emotepopup.xml |
Emotes window | emotes.xml |
Equipment window | equipment.xml |
Help Window | help.xml |
Inventory Window | inventory.xml |
Item amount dialog | amount.xml |
Item popup | itempopup.xml |
Kill Stats Window | killstats.xml |
Minimap Window | map.xml |
Mini status window | ministatus.xml |
Npc post dialog | npcpost.xml |
Npc dialog | npc.xml |
Ok dialog | ok.xml |
Online List | whoisonline.xml |
Player talk popup | speechbubble.xml |
Registration dialog | register.xml |
Trade window | trade.xml |
Login dialog | login.xml |
Outfits Window | outfits.xml |
Popup menu | popupmenu.xml |
Sell dialog | sell.xml |
Servers window | server.xml |
Setup Window | setup.xml |
Shop Window | shop.xml |
Shortcuts Window | items.xml |
Skills Window | skills.xml |
Social Window | social.xml |
Special window (unused) | specials.xml |
Spell popup | spellpopup.xml |
Spells window | spells.xml |
Spells and commands editor | commandeditor.xml |
Status popup | statuspopup.xml |
Status Window | status.xml |
Text dialog | textdialog.xml |
Text popup | textpopup.xml |
Quit dialog | quit.xml |
Unregister dialog | unregister.xml |
Updates window | update.xml |
Window name | configuration file |
World select dialog | world.xml |
Default windows | window.xml |
Default popups | popup.xml |