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macosx [2012/01/29 20:17]
nard [Compilation on MacOSX]
macosx [2013/06/20 21:20] (current)
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-====== ​Compilation on MacOSX ======+====== MacOSX ======
-To compile ManaPlus on MacOSX you need to install ​[[http://www.finkproject.org/download/index.php|fink]] and optionally [[http://​finkcommander.sourceforge.net/|FinkCommander]]+Download here: [[http://download.evolonline.org/manaplus/macosx/|MacOSX]]
- +
-fink cannot run if you haven'​t installed the developper tools (Xcode) and X11 (which provides a complete X Window System). Both are included in the install DVDs which came with your Mac. +
- +
-You can eventually get more information on [[http://​developer.apple.com/​]] and [[http://​www.apple.com/​support/​]] +
- +
-===== ManaPlus compilation ===== +
-  * Open terminal +
-  * Download latest ManaPlus sources +
-  * Unpack +
-  * Install dependencies. +
-  * Run <​code>​./​fink.sh</​code>​ +
-  * After see files file1.log, fink2.log, fink3.log for errors.+