monsters.xml file format

This file describe monsters.

Example file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<monsters offset="1002">
  <monster id="0" name="Piou" targetCursor="small" walkType="fly">
    <sound event="die" delay="10">monsters/piou/die1.ogg</sound>
    <sound event="hit">monsters/piou/hit1.ogg</sound>
    <sound event="hurt">monsters/piou/hurt1.ogg</sound>
    <sound event="hurt">monsters/piou/hurt2.ogg</sound>
    <sound event="miss">monsters/piou/miss1.ogg</sound>
    <sound event="spawn">monsters/piou/spawn1.ogg</sound>
    <attack id="1" effect-id="400"/>
  <monster id="1" name="Piousse" targetCursor="small">

Offset attribute set monster id offset. Default value is 1002.

Each monster tag describe separate monster

monster tag

Parameter Description default value Comment
idmonster id0
namemonster nameunnamed
maxHPfixed max hp0for old servers only
targetCursorselection cursor sizemediumpossible values: small, medium, large
targetSelectionis monster can be selectedtrue
hoverCursorcursor over monsterattackpossible values see here
targetOffsetXselection cursor offset by x0
targetOffsetYselection cursor offset by y0
nameOffsetXmonster name offset by x0
nameOffsetYmonster name offset by y0
sortOffsetYmonster drawing order offset by y0
deadSortOffsetYmonster drawing order offset by y if monster is dead31
colorsmonster colors palette name only for Evol
walkTypemonster walk typewalkKnown types: walk, fly, swim, walkswim

sound tag

Describe different sounds on different monster events.

Eent attribute describe events:

name description comment
hitmonster hit target
missmonster miss on target
hurtmonster hurtprobably unused
diemonster died
movemonster moveprobably unused
sitmonster situnused
sittopmonster sit on top tileunused
spawnmonster spawn

Delay describe delay between start hit/miss sounds and hurt/die sounds. This need to separate attack and attack result sound in time. Default delay is 0. This mean hit/miss and hurt/die sounds played at same time.

attack tag

This tag describe attack effects (particle or/and sound) by id from file effects.xml

Attack attributes:

name description default value
idattack id0
effect-idparticle effect id for moving attack object like arrowseffectId from paths.xml
hit-effect-idparticle effect id for normal hit to targethitEffectId from paths.xml
critical-hit-effect-idparticle effect id for critical hit to targetcriticalHitEffectId from paths.xml
miss-effect-idparticle effect id if hit is missed to targetmissEffectId from paths.xml
actionattack sprite actionattack
missile-particlemoving object particle effect

particlefx tag

This tag describe persistend monster particle effect.

See also: effects.xml, paths.xml
